Graz University of Technology (TUG) is the second largest research and education facility for technical sciences in Austria and focuses on high-quality basic research as well as application-oriented research and industrial implementation.

The Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications (IAIK) has been active in the field of security and privacy for more than 30 years and is one of the leading research institutions in cybersecurity. Cryptographers of the institute have contributed to major worldwide competitions in cryptography and have strong expertise in the area of new quantum-safe cryptosystems and modern privacy-enhancing technologies.

Role in the project

TUG will contribute to the project with various implementations in the homomorphic-encryption ecosystem. This will include efficient hardware and software implementations of clients in homomorphic encryption use-cases, incl. protection against side-channel attacks. Furthermore, contributions to post-quantum security analysis, an extension of a hybrid HE library, and a multi-key HE library are planned.