CONFIDENTIAL6G Kick-off Meeting

The CONFIDENTIAL6G Project is an exciting new collaboration that promises to improve the security of future communications. Bringing together 13 partners from 10 different countries, the project aims to develop a secure framework for 6G cloud and edge technology.

The project’s kick-off meeting took place on January 30th and 31st in Madrid, hosted by IMDEA Software Institute. During the meeting, the partners discussed their goals and plans for the project, which will be based on scientific breakthroughs in post-quantum cryptography, confidential computing, and confidential communication.

The main objective of the project is to ensure reliability, trust, and resilience in a globally connected continuum of heterogeneous environments connected with 6G infrastructures. To achieve this, the project will draw upon the expertise of its partners, which include WINGS ICT Solutions, Nokia, Nokia Bell Labs, Telefonica, Eindhoven University of Technology, Ultraviolet, Zentrix Lab, VTT, TNO, IMDEA Software Institute, Graz University of Technology, University College Dublin, and FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

The partners have been chosen to provide complementary layers of expertise, ranging from academic and research excellence to industrial and SME expertise. Their research will focus on cryptography, distributed systems, networking, machine learning, distributed ledger technology, multi-party computations, and orchestration.

The CONFIDENTIAL6G Project is an ambitious initiative that promises to revolutionize the way we communicate in a secure and reliable manner. The consortium is off to a great start and is expected to make significant progress towards its goal in the coming years with the open source technology and new post-quantum protocols.